working to end racism and discrimination in our community, in our schools, in our institutions, in Valparaiso and beyond.

you can make a difference right now.

Sign our petition to show your support to have Valparaiso Community Schools (VCS) adopt and implement these four pillars to help the staff and students create an inclusive learning environment, affirming and welcoming to all, without regard to their race, color, ancestry, religion, gender identification or sexual preference.

  • Implicit Bias and cultural sensitivity training;
  • Hiring people of color as teachers and administrators; and
  • Telling the complicated truth about our history  - both positive and negative.
  • Restorative practices for ameliorating racial and other conflict;

Help to make Valparaiso Schools welcoming to all and to prepare students to thrive in our ever changing and increasingly multi-cultural world.

what we do

We are working to end racism and discrimination our community, in our schools, in our institutions, in Valparaiso and beyond.

what we want is a VCS as good as its promise.

We are working to help make the Valparaiso Community School experience positive for all students, regardless of the color of their skin or how they are identified.

get involved

Our mission relies on community involvement.  Learn about the many ways you can become engaged.